Average Penis Sizes Around The World

Many physical features are thought to indicate the size of man’s penis, from big feet to big noses. But could nationality be the best indicator of all?

There are many common myths about what can best indicate the size of a man’s penis. It’s generally accepted that a man with large hands or big feet is likely to also have a large member, although there is little medical evidence to prove that this is truly the case. Some even say that a big nose is a sure sign that a guy is big downstairs, too.

But what about using nationality as an indicator of penis size? We know that the populations of some nations are on average taller than others. Some are more obese, while some races are naturally more athletic. So could it be that the people of some countries have bigger dicks than others?

One man, leading andrologist Dr Eduardo Gomez de Diego, decided to find out. By collating together the results of various national surveys on penis size, Dr de Diego was able to create a kind of “leaderboard” for penises of the world.
Average penis sizes around the world:

France – 6.2 in
Italy – 5.9 in
Mexico – 5.8 in
Germany – 5.6in
Spain – 5.5 in
Japan – 5.1 in
United States – 5 in
Venezuela – 4.9 in
Brazil – 4.8 in
India – 3.9 in
South Korea – 3.7 in

The findings of the survey are eye-opening, with a difference of almost three inches between the largest and smallest nations. With average sizes of 6.2 and 5.9 inches respectively, the reputations of the French and Italians as great lovers seems to be confirmed by the survey findings.

At the other end of the table, the low average size of Indian men was supported by further evidence recently, when the BBC reported on an Indian Council of Medical Research study into penis size. The study found that "about 60% of Indian men have penises which are between three and five centimetres shorter than international standards used in condom manufacture."